Echo's Notorious Sex Blog

Hi my name is Echo, yes that is my birth given name. Well let's see.......I am a Married 29 year old Swinging Bi-Sexual female. I am 100% Irish and have the red hair and green eyes to proove it. I am a smartass I love to joke & laugh,,,,,,laughter is the key to happiness, that and a very sexually healthy life. I did have a Girlfriend until she recently got jealous, so now I am looking for a replacement,,,lol. Hmm what else more can I tell you except...

Monday, November 14, 2005




The Webster dictionary describes the word fetish as "an object believed to have magical powers to protect and aid its owner. Usually an object is fixated upon which does not have any direct connection with sexuality in nature. The fixation can also occur on a body part, which like the latter, does not necessarily have sexual connotations. The fetish object is almost invariably used during masturbation, and may sometimes be incorporated during sexual activity. Reports on fetishes also include arousal from sneezes. Some of the most common fetishes are women's lingerie, high heeled shoes, or specific material like silk, leather or fur. Some people have a fetish on particular body parts: feet, breasts, hair and legs, (this is also known as "partialism".) 
Some fetishes are so common that many people have them. In fact, fetishism can also be placed on a continuum, ranging from the slight preference for an object to a strong preference for an object. There are many fetishes ranging from rape, making love in unfamiliar places, shaved genital area, fetishes for overweight people, pregnant people, milk, food, etc. The fetish always depends on the uniqueness of each person in what excites him/her during lovemaking.

Fetishism is the use of an inanimate object or a specific part of the body for physical or mental sexual stimulation. This sexual behavior is widespread and takes many forms, from benign (a preference for the partner's wearing of lingerie before sex) to vicious (a rapist cutting a lock of hair from the victim for use in masturbation). The cause of fetishistic behavior as a pattern of sexual gratification cannot usually be explained easily. It is only when these patterns become part of a larger picture, at least in the far more common cases involving a male, such a picture  typically involves doubts about ones own masculinity and potency and a fear of rejection and humiliation. By his fetishistic practices and the mastery over an inanimate object, which comes to symbolize for him the desired sexual  object, the individual apparently safeguards himself and also compensates some what his feelings of inadequacy.

I dated a guy once witha  foot fetish. It was weird at first, but then was kind of sexy. He would payfor me to have pedicures and would buy me open sandle strappy shoes, which was very cool. He only wanted to look at them and suck on my big toe,which sounds gross but it was a huge turn on. he never wanted to have sexual intercourse with my feet or my shoes or have me jerk him off with my feet or anything weird like that. He just appreciated how pretty my feet were.



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