Echo's Notorious Sex Blog

Hi my name is Echo, yes that is my birth given name. Well let's see.......I am a Married 29 year old Swinging Bi-Sexual female. I am 100% Irish and have the red hair and green eyes to proove it. I am a smartass I love to joke & laugh,,,,,,laughter is the key to happiness, that and a very sexually healthy life. I did have a Girlfriend until she recently got jealous, so now I am looking for a replacement,,,lol. Hmm what else more can I tell you except...

Tuesday, November 15, 2005


Female Sexual Dysfunctions


This is when the muscles around the vagina spasm involuntary, and prevent the insertion of the penis. This is essentially a conditioned response that reflects fear, anxiety or pain. This sexual dysfunction is estimated to affect around 2% of women. Vaginismus could be caused by negative attitudes about sexuality, bad sexual experiences such as rape or abuse. However, at times, no cause can be pinpointed. The first course of treatment is identifying and treating the underlying physical or psychological problems that could be causing the dysfunction. Women suffering from this dysfunction are also advised to do some Kegel exercises that are basically designed to strengthen and control the pubococcygeus muscle. Other courses of treatment include, making use of plastic vaginal dilators that are graduated in diameter until the dysfunction disappears.


Dyspareunia is a sexual dysfunction that is characterized by pain during sexual intercourse. This often occurs because the woman is not sufficiently aroused when her partner attempts sexual intercourse. Sexual inhibitions, a poor relationship with the sexual partner and hormonal imbalance may all lead to this dysfunction. As treatment, women are advised to make use of a lubricated jelly like KY jelly which may make sexual intercourse easier. (Always make sure that the lubrication is compatible with the contraceptive)


Anorgasmia is a dysfunction characterized by the absence of orgasm in females. This is the most common sexual dysfunction experienced in females. There are 3 main types of anorgasmia. These are

Primary Anorgasmia - When a woman has never experienced an orgasm.

Secondary Anorgasmia - When a woman has experienced an orgasm but no longer does so.

Situational Anorgasmia - When a woman has an orgasm in certain situations but not others, (eg: orgasms during masturbation but not during intercourse.)
Absence of an orgasm may occur for a variety of reasons including lack of stimulation during sexual intercourse or insufficient duration of intercourse, especially if the man is suffering from Premature Ejaculation.


Male Sexual Dysfunctions


Erectile Dysfunctions (Impotence)

Erectile Dysfunction is the inability to have or to maintain an erection during sexual intercourse. This is a very common problem in men, in fact, estimates show that almost 50% of men have this problem at some point during their life. However, this dysfunction is not normal in younger males and usually occurs after the age of 50. The common causes of erectile dysfunctions could be; fatigue, alcohol, smoking, some medications, diabetes, hormone imbalance, etc. The first course of treatment is identifying and treating the underlying physical or psychological problems that could be causing the dysfunction. When this fails, other solutions like Viagra, Penile Implants etc are considered.

Premature Ejaculation

This is the inability to control or delay ejaculation as long as the individual wishes, resulting in distress for the individual or his partner. It is estimated that over 33% of men experience premature ejaculation. The leading causes of this dysfunction are associated with stress and anxiety, prostate problems, testosterone imbalance, high blood pressure etc. One of the most common method of treatments suggested, is the withdraw or squeezing of the penis during sexual intercourse (just before ejaculation) to stop stimulation and thus prevent premature ejaculation or by serotonergic anti-depressants or SSRIs (eg: Seroxat, Prozac, Cipramil, Zoloft).

Inhibited or Delayed Ejaculation

Inhibited Ejaculation - This is when the penis is erect but the man is unable to ejaculate. However, the man might still be able to experience an orgasm without ejaculating. Only about 4-9% of men complain of this dysfunction.

Delayed Ejaculation - This is when the men is unable to ejaculate easily during sexual intercourse. In fact, it may take the man around 45 minutes until he is able to ejaculate.
Anxiety can interfere with a man's ejaculatory reflex and this can be overcome namely by distracting the man or providing extra stimulation.


Sexual dysfunctions are a serious matter. They can destroy a relationship quicker then it started. If you have any problems you should seek help. Don't hope the problem will pass on it's own. There are pills for some preoblems. Don't be embarrased if you have a problem, it's a natural part of life.



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